Do you really want to save?
Please choose a file to upload
Are you sure you want to initialize a repository at the current path?
Are you sure you want to push your commited changes to the configured remote / origin?
Are you sure you want to stash your changes?
Are you sure you want to close the current file? Unsaved changes will be lost.
Please enter a new name for .
Are you sure you want to delete ?
Are you sure you want to add to the index?
Do you want to check the configuration?
Do you want to reload the automations?
Do you want to reload the scripts?
Do you want to reload the groups?
Do you want to reload the core?
Do you really want to restart Home Assistant?
Do you really want to remove the network / IP from the list of allowed networks?
Do you really want to Add the network / IP to the list of allowed networks?
Do you really want to unban the IP ?
Do you really want to ban the IP ?
You have unsaved changes in the current file. Please save the changes or close the file before opening a new one.
Your address:
Listening address:
Home Assistant API address:
Modifying the following lists is not persistent. To statically control access please use the configuration file.
Version: 0.5.2
Web-based file editor designed to modify configuration files of Home Assistant or other textual files. Use at your own risk.
Published under the MIT license
Developed by:
Libraries used:
Ace Editor
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V Scroll Bar Always Visible
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Ace Editor 1.4.8